Wednesday, March 11, 2009

sous le pieds la terre comp available, free download

One year ago, Philippe Baudouin (aka Monsieur Tympan - phonographer)
and Alexandre Manzanares (photographer) have produced a sound and
photographic documentary about rural world, available on CD, called
"Sous les pieds, la terre" (which means "Under the feet, the land"). To
realize this project, they have collected sounds and pictures of people
and landscapes they've met on the road: old country people, kids in
garden, sounds of agricultural tools, beauty of mountains... In
September 2008, Philippe decided to put online 30 samples of the sounds
he recorded and to collaborate with Headphonica to release on their
netlabel. With this sound samples, everyone was invented to make his
own remix! The idea was to propose people to appropriate these
field-recordings and to make a subjective remix. Even if these
different sounds come from a very little part of the world (Vaucluse,
France), the 80 remixes we've received show us the universality of
these ones. Here is the result sent by people from all over the world!
Enjoy yourself!

i have a piece on this comp, you can download it free here

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